Thursday, September 18, 2014

The A.C. is FIXED!

So I drafted this is early August but forgot to post it.  Oops!

August 7th, 2014

Okay... it was fixed yesterday.  But I wanted to make sure it was real, so I waited until today to post this so I wasn't jinxing anything.  Our AC has been broken since October 2013... so the feeling of cooled air coming through the vents this morning as I moved books around, displayed plush characters, and filled up table caddies, I did a big happy dance.

I think we have enough plush characters...


Still need to be pinched that this is my library!

montly musings...

Okay... my attempt to write bi-monthly isn't going so hot, but darn it I'm going to get this down.

The beginning of the school year was a WHIRLWIND... I love the back-to-school start up, the high-fives, the hugs, and the super creative fist-bumps, seeing parents, and seeing the new young siblings begin as either ECE, kindergarteners, or first graders.  My favorite part of being a librarian is that I get to work with the entire building.  Beginning of the school year for me is so celebratory because I know once again I get to see my kiddos--and the fifth graders from the previous year usually come back to say hi (they are super nervous to start middle school).

Of course, to start off the year I got my normal cold (although the second week of school seemed a bit early, I'm glad that it's already gone), but the students are generally a little sweeter when they know you are sick. ;-)

My big reflections so far this year have occurred surrounding my work with other teachers.  I feel as though while it will always have a challenge or two, I know what to expect with the students now.  Starting my eighth year, I have their patterns down pretty good.  I have only recently started my role as a teacher leader, and this year is the first year I've really invested in and taken ownership of that title.  I wasn't as confident with my ability to know that I knew what I was doing, and this summer I truly reflected (thanks to my REALITY Pro experience) on the knowledge base I was coming in with.

As a teacher leader both in my building and in my district (for other librarians/tech teachers) I have had this amazing chance to truly assist teachers in their own learning and growth.  Not in a "you don't know anything, here is information" way, but it an "I've been in your boat, gotten across the ocean...let me help you do it faster" way.  This is such a hard job we have signed up for, with little more than those high-fives, hugs, and super creative fist-bumps to encourage us to keep going on hard days, and therefore, we as teachers need to build each other up rather than tear each other down.  My belief is that I don't believe I am better, but I have heard different information than you may have and would love to share that with you.  Thankfully my building and district administration believe in that process and are letting me take on more responsibilities.

(A colleague shared with me a TED Talk that compares conductors to being a teacher leader/facilitator in really intriguing way.)

See y'all in a month or so...hopefully earlier!