The first step is admitting your problem right? A couple weeks ago I found this:
It looked like such an awesome project, and it meets standards for first and second graders about understanding their place in the world so I couldn't pass it up. I (plus my para and a parent) spent almost a week tracing and/or cutting out circles for this project. Plus, now that classes are finishing up, each has to be hole punched and string tied (oy vey). Thankfully next year only 1st grade will do the project, because doing this times 200 is getting ridiculous.
(Pictures coming soon!)
Oh, but while I'm whining about Pinterest, I guess I should show you all the cool stuff I've done from it:
I've used Pinterest to do other projects for school... like this: (the wordle suggestion).
And this Book Fair idea (so students don't have easy access to all the 'junk')...
And Bulletin Board ideas up the wazoo!
I've also found cute stuff for friends gifts/super smart ideas for around the house: